Check In/Move In Day Information

Please check here regularly for upcoming dates and details for Spring 2024.
What to Expect For Fall 2024
Check-in is scheduled at 0700 on Saturday, August 17, 2024. Each incoming cadet is assigned a time for Move-in. Details of assigned times are emailed to the cadets' email address.
Parking is limited and we will guide you to parking lots and residence halls based on the space availability on move-in day.
Civilian attire is authorized for new cadets for check-in and PT gear will be provided for wear later in the day.
Please note: Only Service Animals are allowed inside buildings.
Where to go?
Check-in: Physical Education and Aquatic Center (PEAC)
Next Stop: Upper Residence Hall (URH)and McAllister Residence Hall (MRH) depending on your room assignment
McAllister Residence Hall is located at the top of Faculty Drive (1st right past the Police Services Building)
Upper Residence Hall is located up "Residence Hall Drive" (2nd right)