How to View and Print Your 1098-T Form

Students can conveniently access and print their 1098-T forms through PeopleSoft Self Service.

When Are 1098-T Forms Available?

  • 1098-T forms are generally available online each January for the prior calendar year.

  • Forms are also mailed to the home address on file beginning in January.

    • Example: 1098-T forms for tax year 2024 will be mailed in January 2025.

Steps to Access Your 1098-T:

  1. Log in to PeopleSoft.

  2. Navigate to the Student Center.

  3. Under the Finances section, click "View 1098-T".

  4. Click the arrow button to proceed to the next screen.

  5. A list of all available 1098-T forms will appear.

  6. Click the hyperlink for the desired tax year.

  7. Your 1098-T form will open in a new window — from there, you can print or save it as a PDF.

PLEASE NOTE : Please ignore the "Grant Consent" button, no action is needed here!

For more details about 1098-T forms and education tax credits, please visit the IRS website.