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Name Title Department Phone
Adona, Remedios A Accountant IIFinancial Operations(707)654-1025
Aguirre, Judy N Student and Travel AccountantFinancial Operations(707)654-1059
Alaniz, Bessie J. Assistant to the DeanSchool of MTLMAdministrative(707)654-1774
Aldrich, Joel A C Voc Lec Maritime AYNCMarine Transportation(707)654-1260
Alexander, Josie Student Activities CoordinatorDean of Students(707)654-1142
Altamirano-Campos, Evelyn Asst Athletic TrainerAthletics(707)654-1017
Amen Ra, Imhotet A Womens Basketball CoachAthletics(707)654-1783
Angle, Bradley T Voc Lec Maritime AYNCMarine Transportation(707)654-1155
Anthony, Miriam I SSP Academic Related I AYCounseling & Psychological Svc(707)654-1198
Arnold, Kathy Director of Graduate ProgramsMasters Program(707)654-1271
Austin, Jalil S Manager of Custodial ServicesCustodial(707)654-1131
Bachkar, Khalid ProfessorIntl Business & Logistics(707)654-1184
Bagheri, Nader ProfessorMechanical Engineering(707)654-1102
Balfour, Malinda D Lead Res Life CoordinatorHousing Residential Life(707)654-1410
Baliantz, Eric Joseph Voc Lec Maritime AYNCMarine Transportation(707)654-1153
Balmat, Andrew S Grants Administration ManagerDean Strategic & Academic Plan(707)654-1565
Bang, John H Budget ManagerBudget Department(707)654-1026
Bankston, Eric L Sports Information DirectorAthletics(707)654-1840
Bautista, Kristen M Manager Benefits Human Capital and Risk Management ProgramsHuman Resources(707)654-1146
Benson, Joel V Port Security GuardPolice Services(707)654-1770
Benton, Graham Dean of Strategic & Academic PlanningDean Strategic & Academic Plan(707)654-1147
Bielski, Mike JrHead Women Soccer CoachAthletics(707)654-1841
Bland, Anders T BosunTraining Ship Golden Bear(707)654-1318
Blas, Paulo Equipment TechnicianWaterfront(707)654-1253
Bolanos, Mike Classroom A/V Specialist 12 MoAudio Visual(707)654-1261
Borchard, Laurie A Sr Asst Librarian 12 MonthLibrary(707)654-1091
Bowling, Andrew J Lead AV and Simulations ITCSimulators(707)654-1012
Bradway, Austin L Police OfficerPolice Services(707)654-1176
Branch, Carol D. Title IX and Civil Rights OfficerStudent Equity & Programs(707)654-1178
Brekelmans, Christina M Asst Athletic TrainerAthletics(707)654-1017
Breland, Gwendolyn E Voc Lec Maritime AYNCMarine Transportation(707)654-1151
Brooks-Moore, DeDe Buyer 1Purchasing(707)654-1738
Brown, Christopher W Sr DirResearch & InnovationResearch & Sponsored Programs(707)654-1282
Brown, Robert James Waterfront ManagerWaterfront(707)654-1710
Browne, Steven Dean MT Logistics MgmtSchool of MTLMAdministrative(707)654-1162
Burback, Tamara Associate ProfessorMarine Transportation(707)654-1223
Butler, Anthony R CMA Stationary EngineerBuilding Maintenance(707)654-1123
Calnan, Kevin T Assistant ProfessorMarine Transportation(707)654-1206
Caplin, Mark Per Diem Physician AssistantHealth Center(707)654-1188
Carreon, Donna HRIS ManagerHuman Resources(707)654-1417
Carter, Carlo Community Service Spec 12 MoPolice Services(707)654-1176
Carvalho, Michael O. Mens Soccer CoachAthletics(707)654-1050
Cavallo, Rebekah K Lecturer AYCulture & Communication(707)654-1018
Ceria, Karlo Employment Services CoordinatorHuman Resources(707)654-1418
Chappell, Geoffrey T CMA GroundskeeperGrounds(707)654-1128
Chavez, Jalen M EOP CoordinatorEducational Opportunity Prgm(707)654-1082
Chiego, Christopher Assistant ProfessorIntl Strategy & Security(707)654-1148
Chin, Laura Desktop Services ITCInformation Technology(707)654-1728
Chisholm, Julianne K. ProfessorCulture & Communication(707)654-1169
Christopher, Robyn L Dir USCG Licensing ProgramsSTCW(707)654-1297
Cintas, Richard L Shipping & Receiving PropertyWarehouse(707)654-1125
Clark, David E CMA GroundskeeperGrounds(707)654-1128
Clarke, Natalia Lecturer AYAthletics(707)654-1050
Clyatt, Thomas J Lecturer AYEngineering Technology(707)654-1035
Collins, Marilou Accounting ManagerFinancial Operations(707)654-1280
Conley, Savannah Rose Payroll Technician IIHuman Resources(707)654-1021
Cornell, Karyn A Chief of StaffOffice of the President(707)654-1788
Cruz, Elba A Human Capital HR Compliance Title IX and DHR AnalystHuman Resources(707)654-1419
Dapikilla, Ruben CustodianCustodial(707)654-1411
Dawson, Craig Thomas Manager Environmental Health and SafetySafety & Risk Management(707)654-1076
De Trane, Matthew J Assoc Dir AthleticsAthletics(707)654-1047
Dewey, Colin Dept Chair 12 MoCulture & Communication(707)654-1065
Dhillon, Vineeta Dir 1st Yr Tr & Family ProgDean Student Affairs(707)654-1283
Dineen-Thackeray, Lorrie Director Contract & ProcurementPurchasing(707)654-1086
Donovan, Matthew S Residential Life CoordinatorHousing Residential Life(707)654-1400
Dudman, Matt Lecturer AYIntl Business & Logistics(707)654-1207
Dumont, Michael J PresidentOffice of the President(707)654-1011
Duran, Maribel Instructional Designer & Technology SpecialistAcademic Technology(707)654-1659
Edwards, Kris Sr Information Technology ConsultantInformation Technology(707)654-1424
Ekmekjian, Marie A SSP Academic Related II AYCounseling & Psychological Svc(707)654-1174
Fabian Sakata, Jose M Port Security GuardPolice Services(707)654-1770
Fairbanks, Matthew S Assistant ProfessorScience & Mathematics(707)654-1107
Fischer, Jonathan S. Associate ProfessorEngineering Technology(707)654-1243
Ford, Charles R SergeantPolice Services(707)654-1176
Fowler, Jessica Lela Marie Assistant to the CaptainTraining Ship Golden Bear(707)654-1211
Francis, Stephanie Bonita Director Career ServicesCareer Services(707)654-1194
Frick, Christopher L Lecturer AYCulture & Communication(707)654-1018
Garcia, Ismael C CMA GroundskeeperGrounds(707)654-1213
Garcia, Juana H CustodianCustodial(707)654-1131
Garcia, Xiomara Records & Articulation CoordinatorRegistrars Office(707)654-1203
Garner, Luke W Classroom AV Support Specialist 10/12Audio Visual(707)654-1656
Glaze, Joshua D CMA Electrician IBuilding Maintenance(707)654-1123
Gomez, Francisco Cross Country Coach12 MoAthletics(707)654-1050
Gonzales, Patrick Andrew Canieso Voc Lec Maritime AYNCMarine Transportation(707)654-1160
Gonzalez, Daisy Career CoordinatorCareer Services(707)654-1077
Gonzalez, Jose R JrEAP & Early HS Adm CounselorAdmissions and Outreach(707)654-1081
Goodman, Marc S 3rd Assistant EngineerTraining Ship Golden Bear(707)654-1326
Green, Scott William Lecturer AYEngineering Technology(707)654-1112
Grover, David Lecturer AYEngineering Technology(707)654-1115
Guidry, Cat Athletics Administrative CoordAthletics(707)654-1050
Gutierrez, Walter H Network/Systems LeadInformation Technology(707)654-1706
Gutkina, Olga Lecturer AYScience & Mathematics(707)654-1150
Guzman, Cecilia S Admiss Mod & Process AnalystAdmissions and Outreach(707)654-1332
Hansen, Katie University AdvisorRegistrars Office(707)654-1794
Harcum, Jason G Director of Cadet Leadership and DevelopmentOff of Cadet Leadership & Dev(707)654-1006
Harper, Patricia L Admin Analyst/SpecialistSchool of L&SAdministrative(707)654-1018
Hartman, Lauren Lecturer AYCulture & Communication(707)654-1018
Snell, Antony ProfessorMechanical Engineering(707)654-1291
Hayes, Peter ProfessorMarine Transportation(707)654-1290
Hennike, Craig Assistant Director Cadet Leadership & DevelopmentOff of Cadet Leadership & Dev(707)654-1196
Henry, Brandon CustodianCustodial(707)654-1131
Henry, Taylor A Instructional Support Asst IIIStudent Recreation Program(707)654-1791
Hernandez, M Chief Human Resources OfficerHuman Resources(707)654-1138
Heslop, Beverley J Police Services Admin SupportPolice Services(707)654-1681
Heuer, Monica D Associate Athletic DirectorStudent Recreation Program(707)654-1843
Holden, Michael E ProfessorMechanical Engineering(707)654-1109
Houston-Collins, Tari Executive Assistant to the PresidentOffice of the President(707)654-1011
Huang, Li-Hsuan Lecturer AYScience & Mathematics(707)654-1018
Hutchinson, Heather S Clinic LeadHealth Center(707)654-1188
Inoue, Taiyo ProfessorScience & Mathematics(707)654-1016
Isakson, Christine D Assistant ProfessorIntl Business & Logistics(707)654-1250
Jackson, Travis JrCustodianCustodial(707)654-1131
Janssen, Amber Supervising LibrarianLibrary(707)654-1093
Jefferson, Jamal E CustodianCustodial(707)654-1411
Jennings, Carla A Medical Assistant 10/12Health Center(707)654-1170
Johnson, Colin M Mens Basketball CoachAthletics(707)654-1057
Johnson, Tracey F Lecturer AYScience & Mathematics(707)654-1018
Kamdar, Nipoli Dept Chair 12 MoIntl Business & Logistics(707)654-1242
Kazek, Michael S Associate ProfessorEngineering Technology(707)654-1744
Kielar, Stephen Lecturer AYScience & Mathematics(707)654-1234
Koekemoer, Samantha Executive Office ManagerAcademic Affairs(707)654-1232
Kreta, Stephen J Lecturer AYEngineering Technology(707)654-1019
Lam, Michael Acting Chief Infor OffcerInformation Technology(707)654-1721
LeVan, Kenneth P Voc Lec Maritime AYNCEngineering Technology(707)654-1115
Lewis, Cody Information Security ManagerInformation Technology(707)654-1720
Lewis, Nicholas R Voc Lec Maritime AYNCProfMarine Transportation(707)654-1241
Lewis, Tony Associate ProfessorIntl Business & Logistics(707)654-1269
Lindsay, Tony Desktop ServicesInformation Technology(707)654-1730
Lipka, Kaitlyn M Ship Logistics and Materials CoordinatorTraining Ship Golden Bear(707)654-1386
Lipscomb, Keith Anthony Engineering Equipment TechnicianSch of EngineeringAdministrat(707)654-1249
Lipset, James Voc Lec Maritime AYNCMarine Transportation(707)654-1257
Loera, Krystal R University AdvisorRegistrars Office(707)654-1785
Loiacono, Stephen Scientific Program ManagerGolden Bear Research Ctr(707)654-1259
Long, Steffan Lecturer AYEngineering Technology(707)654-1108
Luce, Katherine Librarian 12 MoLibrary(707)654-1769
Luecker, Michael C Coaching Specialist 12 MoCrew CoachAthletics(707)654-1050
Luna, Maritess R Administrative Support Coordinator IICareer Services(707)654-1071
Maffei Schmid, Domini M Director Alumni Relations and EventsUniversity Advancement(707)654-1299
Mandernack, Kevin W ProfessorScience & Mathematics(707)654-1106
Marocchino, Kathryn D ProfessorCulture & Communication(707)654-1152
Martin, Chelsea Clara Voc Lec Maritime AYNCMarine Transportation(707)654-1733
Martin, Larry R Manager for Enrlmnt & MrktngAdmissions and Outreach(707)654-1334
McClain, Chelsea E Director University AffairsOffice of the President(707)654-1780
Mcdevitt, Tony Lee Assistant ProfessorMarine Transportation(707)654-1208
Mcghee, Neil C 1st Assistant EngineerTraining Ship Golden Bear(707)654-1322
Mcnie, Elizabeth C Associate ProfessorMarine Transportation(707)654-1237
Metz, Jennifer M Lecturer Academic YearIntl Strategy & Security(707)654-1099
Miller, Rebecca C Lecturer AYEngineering Technology(707)654-1736
Mohammadpour, Maryam Assistant ProfessorScience & Mathematics(707)654-1136
Moore, Jimmy Kenneth Second Mate & Compliance OfcrTraining Ship Golden Bear(707)654-1713
Moorhead, Keir M Voc Instr Maritime AYCREngineering Technology(707)654-1117
Moser, Gary R Director of Institutional ResearchBudget Department(707)654-1224
Murray, Michael A Sr Director Facilities MgmtPlant Office(707)654-1726
Musburger, Craig A LecturerScience & Mathematics(707)654-1018
Myslik, JoEllen P. Community Engagement SpecialistCSU Community Programs(707)654-1412
Nagy, Doug Chief MateTraining Ship Golden Bear(707)654-1394
Nance, Meagan E Director Initiatives and EOP ProgramInclusion Initiatives(707)654-1070
Neumann, Robert Lecturer Academic YearIntl Business & Logistics(707)654-1163
Nichols, Dan 2nd Assistant EngineerTraining Ship Golden Bear(707)654-1312
Nicolay, Paul C. CMA Chief EngineerBuilding Maintenance(707)654-1124
Nordenholz, Thomas R ProfessorMechanical Engineering(707)654-1114
Nosker, Zachary Z Assistant ProfessorEngineering Technology(707)654-1023
Oppenheim, Tomas Associate ProfessorMechanical Engineering(707)654-1792
Parker, Alexander E Dean Letters & SciencesSchool of L&SAdministrative(707)654-1149
Parsons, Amy C ProfessorCulture & Communication(707)654-1238
Pate, Rhonda Operations & Budget CoordAcademic Affairs(707)654-1226
Pearl, Shaina Voc Lec Maritime AYNCMarine Transportation(707)654-1409
Pearson, Samuel B IIIAssociate ProfessorMarine Transportation(707)654-1797
Pecota, Samuel ProfessorMarine Transportation(707)654-1164
Pernia, Hector Voc Lec Maritime AYNCMarine Transportation(707)654-1154
Pinisetty, Dinesh Dean School EngineeringSch of EngineeringAdministrat(707)654-1445
Pohlmann, Brent G Assistant ProfessorScience & Mathematics(707)654-1036
Prothro-Jones, Lennon M Dean of StudentsDean of Students(707)654-1470
Pulanco, Edwin A. Maintenance Mechanic CMABuilding Maintenance(707)654-1124
Putong, Bryant Ivan A IT Help Desk ConsultantInformation Technology(707)654-1068
Quimen, Erna Student Accounts SpecialistFinancial Operations(707)654-1031
Villanueva, Sophia CMA Lead GroundskeeperGrounds(707)654-1128
Ramirez, Elsy C Accounts Payable AccountantFinancial Operations(707)654-1028
Ramirez, Saul Director Financial AidFinancial Aid Administration(707)654-1276
Retherford, Cragen J SergeantPolice Services(707)654-1176
Rogers, Timothy L Equipment Technician II SpecializedWaterfront(707)654-1252
Ross, Michael D Port Security GuardPolice Services(916)632-1994
Runyon, Steven T. Associate ProfessorScience & Mathematics(707)654-1216
Sanchez, Guy Anthony CustodianCustodial(707)654-1131
Satterwhite, David Lee Assistant ProfessorEngineering Technology(707)654-1061
Scheese, Emily A Admin Analyst/Spclst 12 MoAthletics(707)654-1841
Schmid, Madeline Ann Voc Lec Maritime AYNCMarine Transportation(707)654-1774
Bannister, Samar Captain of Training Ship Golden Bear and Director of Marine ProgramsTraining Ship Golden Bear(707)654-1303
Senk, Sarah Associate ProfessorCulture & Communication(707)654-1202
Setniker, Ariel Assistant ProfessorScience & Mathematics(707)654-1747
Shackman, Joshua D Associate ProfessorIntl Business & Logistics(707)654-1737
Shields, Nicolas Andrew Engineering Operations ManagerGolden Bear Research Ctr(707)654-1258
Short, Josh Alan Instructional Support Technician IIISch of EngineeringAdministrat(707)654-1231
Sigler-Seaman, Sean C CustodianCustodial(707)654-1131
Sims, Tianna C Medical AssistantHealth Center(707)654-1198
Singh, Gurpreet B Police OfficerPolice Services(707)654-1176
Sinha, Aparna Associate ProfessorCulture & Communication(707)654-1273
Sisneros, John A Maintenance Mechanic CMABuilding Maintenance(707)654-1124
Skoll, Amy Assistant ProfessorIntl Strategy & Security(707)654-1743
Solemnidad, Luis T Network SystemsInformation Technology(707)654-1762
Solorio, Gilbert G Sr Enrollment System AnalystFinancial Aid Administration(707)654-1009
Sosa, Paul Systems AdministratorInformation Technology(707)654-1084
Sotuyo, Jessica T Commercial Shipping CoordinatorSTCW(707)654-1027
Stackpole, Mark L Library TechnologistLibrary(707)654-1092
Starr, Scott Lecturer AYCulture & Communication(707)654-1018
Strange, Michael E. Associate ProfessorEngineering Technology(707)654-1702
Tamayo, Frances Rachel M Circulation Desk CoordinatorLibrary(707)654-1098
Teoh, Jase Senior Director Learning and Academic TechnologyAcademic Technology(707)654-1659
Terrado, Tania CustodianCustodial(707)654-1411
Tjokro, Irene Emas Director CSUMA CorporationBookstore(707)654-1185
Torres, Anthony R Community Service Spec 12 MoPolice Services(707)654-1770
Trevisan, Cynthia S. Dept Chair 12 MoScience & Mathematics(707)654-1119
Tsai, William W Associate ProfessorMechanical Engineering(707)654-1222
Verlaak, Zoe Lecturer AYScience & Mathematics(707)654-1018
Vides, DeAna S Disability Resources AdvisorDisability Services(707)654-1562
Wade, Ryan D Dept Chair12mo Intl Strat&SecIntl Strategy & Security(707)654-1167
Wainwright, David I Lecturer AYCulture & Communication(707)654-1018
Wallace, Ian J Assistant Director of of CounselingCounseling & Psychological Svc(707)654-1174
Wanlass, Lucas A Port Security GuardPolice Services(707)654-1770
Ward, Jeffrey S Asst Director of AthleticsAthletics(707)654-1055
Ward, Margaret Assistant ProfessorMarine Transportation(707)654-1672
Warren, Angelique G Operations and Budget Coordinator Foundation and Student AffairsUniversity Advancement(707)654-1079
Westmoreland, Tim Director of Residence LifeHousing Residential Life(707)654-1400
Wilson, Lavella D Program Coordinator Extended LearningRA CME Extended Lrng(707)654-1157
Wright, Daniel Marc Voc Lec Maritime AYNCMarine Transportation(707)654-1774
Xiong-Moua, Pang Grants & Contracts SpecialistResearch & Sponsored Programs(707)654-1039
Yip, Frank L. ProfessorScience & Mathematics(707)654-1723
Yoder, Karen L Dir Athletics & Physical EdAthletics(707)654-1790
Zamora-Blair, Andrea E Employment Services AnalystHuman Resources(707)654-1137
Punglia, Jaya Khemsara Emeritus(707)654-1018
Kitazono, Lloyd W Emeritus(707)654-1018
Pronchick, Stephen W Emeritus(707)654-1018
Kreta, Stephen J Emeritus(707)654-1019
Eisenhardt, William Emeritus(707)246-5904
Leyda, Paul R Emeritus(707)654-1018
Wheeler, James W Emeritus(707)654-1018
Nincic, Donna J Emeritus(707)654-1018
Messer-Bookman, Tuuli Emeritus(707)654-1018
Kleitman, Adam Chief EngineerTraining Ship Golden Bear(707)654-1304
Kraetsch, Angie Acting CFO.Financial Operations(707)654-1038
Pedersen, Joy M Interim Dean of Student AffairsStudent Affairs(707)654-1168
Strode, Clint Interim Chief of PolicePolice Department(707)654-1179