Professor of Physics Cynthia Trevisan joined the California Maritime Academy in August
of 2008 and is currently the Chair of the Department of Sciences and Mathematics.
She holds a Ph.D. in Physics from University College London, University of London
and holds two California State University Outstanding Faculty awards. She has over
25 years of teaching experience, with 20 years of university teaching and 5 years
of teaching at the K-12 level.
Professor Trevisan has over 20 years of research experience in chemical physics involving
developing theoretical formulations as well as applying modern computational techniques
to describe electron-driven chemistry processes and the dynamics of photon-interaction
with molecules, with 26 publications in peer reviewed journals and 51 In-house/Abstract
book publications. She is a Laboratory Affiliate at the Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, conducting research in collaboration with the Atomic, Molecular and Optical
Theory Group, Chemical Sciences Division, performing state-of-the-art quantum mechanical
calculations in the theory of photon and electron collisions molecules. Currently
studying the molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions for polyatomic molecules
that are produced after a core-level electron is removed due to the absorption of
an X-ray photon.

After earning her doctorate degree from the University of London, Dr. Trevisan conducted
research as a Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of California, Davis and at the
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the theory of dynamical processes in chemical
physics. Dr. Trevisan studied low-energy electron collisions with diatomic and polyatomic
molecules and performed quantum chemistry and electron scattering calculations. She
also developed codes based on finite element methods with discrete variable representation
and exterior complex scaling. At the Department of Physics at U. C. Davis, Dr. Trevisan
conducted research in biophysics using density functional theory and molecular dynamics
methods. She developed codes to predict X-ray absorption spectra in transition metal
complexes and metalloproteins with redox active ligands, based on the Anderson impurity
model approach, and studied the role of metal ions in possible metal binding sites
in prion proteins by performing quantum mechanical calculations and embedding them
in molecular dynamic simulations. She also studied other protein structures that
can bind metals (such as alpha–synuclein and Alzheimer’s amyloid-beta), the associated
protein-metal interactions and their role in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis.
Currently, Dr. Trevisan is a Laboratory Affiliate at the Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, where she conducts collaborative research alongside scientists at the
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Theory Group, in the Chemical Sciences Division. She
is currently performing state-of-the-art quantum mechanical calculations in the theory
of photon and electron collisions with greenhouse gases and other molecules relevant
to energy applications, such as solar energy conversion. She is currently studying
the molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions for polyatomic molecules that
are produced after a core-level electron is removed due to the absorption of an X-ray
photon, as well as other electron-driven chemistry processes.
Highlighted publications include:
- “Validity of the static-exchange approximation for inner shell photoionization of
polyatomic molecules”, C. A. Marante, L. Greenman, C. S. Trevisan, T. N. Rescigno, C. W. McCurdy, R. R. Lucchese, Phys. Rev. A 102, 012815 (2020).
- “Selective bond-breaking in formic acid by dissociative electron attachment” D. S.
Slaughter, Th. Weber, A. Belkacem, C. S. Trevisan, R. R. Lucchese, C. W. McCurdy and T. N. Rescigno, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22, 13983 (2020).
- “Resonance signatures in the body-frame valence photoionization of CF4”, K.Larsen, C. Trevisan, R. Lucchese, S. Heck, W. Iskandar, E. Champenois, A. Gatton, R. Moshammer, R. Strom,
T. Severt, B. Jochim, D. Reedy, M. Weller, A. Landers, J. B. Williams, I. Ben-Itzhak,
R. Dörner, D. Slaughter, C. W. McCurdy, Th. Weber and T. N. Rescigno, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20, 21075, (2018).
- “Unambiguous observation of F atom core-hole localization in CF4 through body-frame photoelectron angular distributions”, C. W. McCurdy, 2 T. N. Rescigno,
C. S. Trevisan, R. R. Lucchese, B. Gaire, A. Menssen, M. S. Schöffler, A. Gatton, J. Neff, P. M.
Stammer, J. Rist, S. Eckart, B. Berry, T. Severt, J. Sartor, A. Moradmand, T. Jahnke,
A. L. Landers, J. B. Williams, I. Ben-Itzhak, R. Dörner, A. Belkacem, and Th. Weber,
Phys. Rev. A 95, 011401(R) (2017).
- “Dynamics of dissociative electron attachment to ammonia”, T. N. Rescigno, C. S. Trevisan, A. E. Orel, D. S. Slaughter, H. Adaniya, A. Belkacem, M. Weyland, A. Dorn and C.
W. McCurdy, Phys. Rev. A, 93, 052704 (2016).
- “Molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions for core ionization of ethane,
carbon tetrafluoride and 1,1-difluoroethylene”, A. Menssen, C. S. Trevisan, M. Schoeffler, T. Jahnke, I. Bocharova, F. Sturm, N. Gehrken, B. Gaire, H. Gassert,
S. Zeller, J. Voigtsberger, A. Kuhlins, A. Gatton, J. Sartor, D. Reedy, C. Nook, B.
Berry, M. Zohrabi, A. Kalinin, A. Belkacem, R. Doerner, T. Weber, A. Landers, T. Rescigno,
C. W. McCurdy, J. Williams, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 49, 055203 (2016).
PHY 100 – General Physics I
PHY 100L – General Physics I Lab
PHY 120 – Physics for Future Leaders
PHY 200 – Engineering Physics I
PHY 200L – Engineering Physics I Lab
PHY 205 – Engineering Physics II