Cadet collar insignias denote two important things about every cadet. The first thing is the cadet’s major/company. Each device as shown below is different based off the cadets academic track. The other important thing is the cadet’s academic progress.

Collar by class

Collar insignia placement


Name tags and tapes are an important part of all uniforms besides the PT gear or track suit. The below image shows how to place a name tag on uniform. Cadet ribbons are optional for wear with cadet uniforms. Cadets with prior military service can wear their military insignia and awards.

Ribbon and nametag placement


Covers- the tradition of wearing a cover (hat) goes far back in maritime tradition and has been part of the cadet uniform since the start of the institution. A few guidelines when it comes to wearing a cover:

  • Covers should be work squarely on the head with the brim facing forward
  • Covers should never been worn indoors
  • When in uniform and outdoors a cover should be worn

Nautical fact:  Covers should never be worn when on a ships messdeck. The messdeck used to serve two purpose on most ships a place to share a meal and the hospital in the event of battle or a shipboard accident. As a sign of respect for fellow sailors who did not make it off the messdeck covers should never be worn or placed on the tables of the messdeck.

Gig Line- A gig line is the line formed on a uniform when the buttons, fly, and belt all line up. This creates a neat and professional appearance.

Outerwear- All the uniforms have a variety of outwear that can be worn. A few guidelines for outerwear:

  • Only outerwear received in the sea bag are authorized for wear with the uniform
  • Outerwear should always be zipped up at least ½ way when worn

Uniform of the Day:

  • The Office of the Commandant will set the Uniform of the Day (UOD).
  • Unless otherwise stated the uniform of the day is the Khaki Uniform
  • Uniform of the Day is required on campus from 0700-1600 during the week.
  • The Uniform of the Day is required to be worn to all classes. Including those that are after 1600.
  • The Uniform of the Day is required when entering the Dining Center for meals.
  • If you have a class that requires you to wear coveralls you are only authorized to wear coveralls for that class and must change back into the UOD.