Here at Cal Maritime we have a variety of institutional scholarships available.

Scholarships are financial aid provided to an Undergraduate student on the basis of academic merit or specific criteria set by the university and/or the donors. The criteria usually reflect the values and purposes of the donor or founder of the award. Scholarship money is not required to be repaid.

California Maritime Foundation Scholarships for Continuing Students

The California Maritime Academy Foundation manages all scholarship endowments on behalf of the University. Annual interest earned by the endowments provides a source for Undergraduate student scholarships. The Foundation also receives annual scholarship funds from individuals, bequests, corporations, foundations and professional associations.

Awards are based on donor agreements that set a specific minimum GPA and criteria that can vary by scholarship. The Cal Maritime Scholarship Committee will consider a well written essay, cumulative Cal Maritime GPA, major, financial need and good standing in the Corps of Cadets when selecting recipients of the scholarships. Awards may be adjsuted based on single term enrollment and enrollment status (Full Time versus Part Time).

The Cal Maritime Foundation Scholarships for the 2025/2026 will be available soon.

coming soon!!


Applicants must be current Cal Maritime Undergraduate students returning for the Fall 2025 semester. Applications must be submitted annually in order to receive a scholarship. Funding is not guaranteed from one term to the next. Academic GPA standing must be maintained in order to qualify for second semester payments as well as eligibility for awards in following years. Failure to maintain required academic standing for any semester, submission of an application, or compliance with scholarship criteria will result in the loss of an award.

The application for returning students will be available soon. Once made available, to  begin the application click on "The Application Web Site" and then click on the "Sign In" in the upper right corner. Applications submitted during this period will be for scholarships that are awarded in the 2025-26 academic year.  You do not have to apply for individual scholarships.

Thank You Letters

A requirement of being awarded California Maritime Academy Foundation Scholarships is that cadets must submit a well written Thank You Letter to their donor. The scholarship will be reflected in your Financial Aid package but will not pay to your Student Account until a Thank You Letter  is sent to the Office of Advancement. Below is a guide on how to write a Thank You Letter provided by CSU Fresno State.

The Importance Of Thanking Your Donor

Scholarship donors are generous and caring people who unselfishly give to support the educational endeavors of students like you.  They typically ask for nothing in return, but receiving a well written thank you letter from a student is always special and lets the donor know that his or her scholarship was greatly appreciated.  Your letter reminds them why they gave in the first place and often help secure continuing gifts for future students.

Writing A Well Written Letter

You are an important part of the Cal Maritime Family, and the literacy demonstrated in your letter is a reflection on all of us.

A Step-By-Step Guide:

  1. Greet the Donor
    Write to the donor or organization.  The donor's name should be listed in your award notification.
  2. Express Your Gratitude
    - Write sincerely with an active voice.
    - Mention the scholarship by name.
    - Do not directly mention money or request additional financial support.
      Examples: "Thank you so much for your generosity." "It is an honor to
      be chosen for the ABC Family Scholarship."
  3. Demonstrate the Impact
    Share how being a student at Cal Maritime is impacting your life and what you enjoy most.  Examples: Why you chose Cal Maritime. Your course of study. Community service activities. Accomplishments, awards or honors you are proud of.  Interests outside your studies.
  4. Look Forward
    Share your plans for the future: trips, activities, graduation or prospective job. Let them know how this scholarship has helped to further your education. Example: "Upon completion of my studies I plan  to pursue a career as a third mate on this type of vessel."
  5. Grace...Thank Again
    Examples: "Thanks again for your gift."  "Thanks again. I appreciate
    the scholarship assistance."
  6. Signing Off
    Examples: "Sincerely," "Warm Regards," "Yours Truly," "With Sincere
    Thanks," etc.

Final Steps:

  • Be clear and concise. One page is more than sufficient.
  • Proofread your work. You communicate your intelligence with correct grammar and spelling.
  • Letters with errors or little content will be returned for rewrites.


Scholarships for New Students

Captain David Lyman Scholarship for Hawaii Residents

The Captain David Lyman Scholarship seeks to honor the memory of Captain David Lyman as a longtime member of Hawaii's maritime community by providing financial incentive for Hawaii Undergraduate students to apply to and enroll at Cal Maritime and pursue a profession in the maritime field.

Osher Foundation Scholarship for Upper-Division California Community College Transfer Students

The Bernard Osher Foundation, headquartered in San Francisco, was founded in 1977 by Bernard Osher, a respected businessman and community leader. The Foundation seeks to improve quality of life through support for higher education and the arts. The Foundation provides post-secondary scholarship funding to colleges and universities across the nation. The Osher Foundation Term Endowment was established to provide scholarships of $5,000 or less to community college transfer students.

California State University Systemwide Scholarships

The Director of Financial Aid will coordinate all required information for selected candidates. The Deadline to submit applications to the Financial Aid Office is April 1, 2024.

CSU Trustees' Award for Outstanding Achievement

The CSU Trustees' Awards for Outstanding Achievement recognize students who have demonstrated financial need, modeled exemplary academic performance, community service and personal accomplishments. The nominee for this Undergraduate scholarship will be determined by the Cal Maritime Foundation Scholarship Committee based on the pool of applicants for Foundation Scholarships.

Trustee Emerita Claudia Hampton California Academy of Math and Science Endowment

Four $4,000 scholarships are available for students who have graduated from the California Academy of Math and Science High School. See Financial Aid Office for application.

Howard C. Christiansen Trust Endowment

Three $6,000 scholarships available to students studying any major in engineering towards a bachelors or graduate degree. Scholarship applications for the CSU Trustees' Award will be selected first. If there are not enough enough engineering applicants, then the scholarship may be awarded to a second pool of engineering applicants outside the CSU Trustees' Award. This scholarship will be determined by the Cal Maritime Foundation Scholarship Committee based on the pool of applicants for Foundation Scholarships.

Richard Leffingwell Scholarship

Two $3,000 Scholarships will support students pursuing a course of student in business, economics or other disciplines that will serve the applicant in achieving goals related to nonprofit or public service. All else being equal, military veterans will receive favorable consideration. See Financial Aid Office for application.