Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)
Alaska - Arizona - Colorado - Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands (CNMI) - Guam - Hawaii - Idaho - Montana - Nevada - New Mexico - North Dakota - Oregon - South Dakota - Utah - Washington - Wyoming
What is WUE?

Yearly Tuition
Yearly Tuition
Yearly Tuition
California Resident
Out-of-State with WUE
Out-of-State without WUE
$ 6,084.00
$ 9,126.00
$ 18,684 *
*Assumes 30 units per year at $420/unit.
Who is Eligible for WUE?
Incoming freshman and transfer students seeking their first Bachelor's Degree in all majors who are residents of the states listed above are eligible. WUE recipients are ineligible for in-state residency reclassification.
Below you will find the requirements used for this program. The principal criterion for selection is academic achievement.
- Be accepted as a full-time student at Cal Maritime
- Be a resident of a WUE member state (listed above)
How do I apply for WUE?
No separate application is needed. WUE Discounts are awarded to Cal Maritime applicants in their Admission acceptance letters. Students must apply to Cal Maritime online at www.calstate.edu/apply and select "Maritime Academy" from among the 23 state campuses. The Admission offer and WUE Discount are subject to verification of your GPA after we receive your official academic transcript.
How do I stay in the WUE program?
To remain in Cal Maritime's WUE program in subsequent years, you must maintain residency in a non-California WUE state and a cummulative GPA of 2.0 (C average). The reduced tuition cost benefit is only available for 4 years.
Can I switch from the WUE program to the lower, in-state tuition after entering Cal Maritime?
Students must pay full "out-of-state" tuition (or leave Cal Maritime) for one year after exiting the WUE program before he or she can qualify for "in-state" tuition, assuming all other residency criteria for "in-state" tuition is satisfied. Questions? Contact the Office of the Registrar.