Under supervision, Instructional Student Assistants (ISA) in this classification perform teaching, grading or tutoring duties for the majority of work hours in a given appointment in a given academic department or equivalent administrative unit over the course of an academic term. Assignments are made by the academic department or an equivalent administrative unit and by a specific supervisor at a CSU campus.

Instructional Student Assistants are limited to a maximum of 20 hours per week of total employment while the student is enrolled in classes. Instructional Student Assistants employed for less than 20 hours per week may be appointed concurrently in another student classification up to a combined total of approximately 20 hours per week.

When hiring an ISA student whether new or returning to your department or campus, there are certain Federal and State requirements regarding employment. For more information about the complete process for hiring student employees, please review the Managers Hiring Guideline.

Hiring Manager Tools and Resources:

New Hires: Please use CHRS Recruiting to draft the recruitment.

Rehire: Please connect with Employment Services for assistance. 

Job Opportunities:

Please visit our Career Opportunities page to apply.

Instructional Student Assistant assignments primarily involve teaching, grading and/or tutoring duties.  To learn more click here:  Cal Maritime Tutoring Services website.


Equal Opportunity and Excellence in Education and Employment

Employment at Cal Maritime is open and available to all regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin. Consistent with California law and federal civil rights laws, Cal Maritime provides equal opportunity in education and employment without unlawful discrimination or preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin. Our commitment to equal opportunity means ensuring that every student and employee has access to the resources and support they need to thrive and succeed in a university environment and in their communities. Cal Maritime complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the California Equity in Higher Education Act, California’s Proposition 209 (Art. I, Section 31 of the California Constitution), other applicable state and federal anti-discrimination laws, and CSU’s Nondiscrimination Policy. We prohibit discriminatory preferential treatment, segregation based on race or any other protected status, and all forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in all university programs, policies, and practices.

 Cal Maritime is a diverse community of individuals who represent many perspectives, beliefs and identities, committed to fostering an inclusive, respectful, and intellectually vibrant environment. We cultivate a culture of open dialogue, mutual respect, and belonging to support educational excellence and student success. Through academic programs, student organizations and activities, faculty initiatives, and community partnerships, we encourage meaningful engagement with diverse perspectives. As a higher education institution, we are dedicated to advancing knowledge and empowering individuals to reach their full potential by prioritizing inclusive curriculum development, faculty and staff training, student mentorship, and comprehensive support programs. At Cal Maritime, excellence is built on merit, talent, diversity, accessibility, and equal opportunity for all.


Student Onboarding/Hiring Instructions, Tools and Forms:

Congratulations on your appointment as an Instructional Student Assistant. As a hired student you will receive email communications instructing you of your onboarding process. In order to be paid in a timely manner and meet federal and state legal compliance please follow the instructions and complete the following steps. These instructions guide what paperwork is required for you to complete PRIOR TO starting work.

New and Returning ISA Onboarding (Completing your hiring forms):

  • New Hire Orientation Forms Checklist: Use this checklist as a guide to complete your required hiring forms as instructed in your appointment letter.
  • Click this link: Hiring Forms and Documents to access hiring forms.
  • Employment Eligibility I-9 Verification) Hiring Identification Requirement: All employees are required to submit appropriate documentation to verify their eligibility to work in the United States ON OR BEFORE their first day of work. Please refer to Federal Guidelines and our list of Acceptable Documents for more information. If substantiation cannot be provided within the guidelines, the employee will not be permitted to work until they are able to provide that substantiation.

Payroll and Benefit Resources

Provides access to: Student Direct Deposit form, Holiday and Pay Calendars and much more.

ALL timecards must be submitted online in Peoplesoft. Our CSUM Payroll Website provides you with information, forms and steps to guide you through your payroll processing to include the following information:

Additional Resources for Hiring Managers and Students:

2024/2025 Job Summary of Filled Positions:

(Unit 11 Bargaining Unit Positions Hired for the Academic Year (Article 2.2 Unit 11 CBA))

Instructional Student Assistant Student Engagement 21
Instructional Student Assistant Engineering Technology 6
Instructional Student Assistant Mechanical Engineering 1
  TOTAL 28


Contact: Academic Personnel and Employment Services Manager at EmploymentServices@csum.edu