The Parking Advisory Committee is a campus-wide committee established to provide advice to the President for campus and transportation policies, procedures, and services and programs, including:

  • Use and allocation of parking space and facilities.
  • Proposed changes and adjustments to the parking permit fee schedule (Category III fee) and the parking violation penalty schedule (Category IV fee).
  • The development of long-term strategies to maintain existing parking facilities, and to acquire and construct new parking facilities.
  • Develop and enhance existing alternate methods of transportation programs for students and employees.


The membership of the Parking Advisory Committee shall include:

  1. Standing members - Chief of Police, Associate Vice President Facilities Management, Director of Facilities Planning, Director of Special Programs & Donor Engagement, Director of Conference and Events.
  2. One-year term members - ASCMA President or designee and the Corps Commander or designee.
  3. Two-year term members - A designee appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; a designee appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs; a designee appointed by the Vice President for Administration and Finance; a designee appointed by the Vice President of University Advancement, the Chair of Academic Senate or designee.
  4. Staff Support: Parking Coordinator

Parking Advisory Committee Policy

Meeting Minutes