Last Updated: 10/18/2019

The process of protection of both people and property through integrated system management.

It is the policy of California State University Maritime Academy to plan and maintain, insofar as it is reasonably within its control to do so, a campus environment for faculty, staff, students, and the public that will not adversely affect their health and safety nor subject them to avoidable risks of accidental injury or illness.  University operations shall be conducted in a manner to avoid injuries or illnesses and to comply with all applicable regulations and, when appropriate, with accepted health and safety standards.  No student or employee will be required to perform any task which is determined to be unsafe or unreasonably hazardous.

The Health and Safety Portal is designed to provide  valuable safety information in an effort to protect campus community during their course of their daily activities. Due to the unique dynamics of Cal Maritime, the occupational health and safety components touch not only the employees but the cadets as well. 

Note: Training Ship Golden Bear (TSGB) is regulated under MARAD. For operations pertaining to TSGB  -  Refer to Shoreside Administration Manual (SAM) and Vessel Operations Manual (VOM).



The purpose of the Injury Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) is to outline Cal Maritime's environmental health and safety requirements, expectations, and responsibilities in order to achieve effective campus safety performance through Integrated Safety Management (ISM). The Aerial Lift Safety Program is a subject specific component the supports the overall University IIPP.

Aerial Lift Safety Program

The purpose of the Injury Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) is to outline Cal Maritime's environmental health and safety requirements, expectations, and responsibilities in order to achieve effective campus safety performance through Integrated Safety Management (ISM). The Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Planis a subject specific component the supports the overall University IIPP.

Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan

The purpose of the Injury Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) is to outline Cal Maritime's environmental health and safety requirements, expectations, and responsibilities in order to achieve effective campus safety performance through Integrated Safety Management (ISM). The Chemical Hygiene Safety Plan is a subject specific component the supports the overall University IIPP.

Chemical Hygiene Safety Plan

The purpose of the Injury Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) is to outline Cal Maritime's environmental health and safety requirements, expectations, and responsibilities in order to achieve effective campus safety performance through Integrated Safety Management (ISM). The Compressed Gas Safety Plan is a subject specific component the supports the overall University IIPP.

Note: Training Ship Golden Bear (TSGB) is regulated under MARAD. For operations pertaining to the TSGB  -  Refer to Shoreside Administration Manual (SAM) and Vessel Operations Manual (VOM).

Compressed Gas Safety Plan

The purpose of the Injury Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) is to outline Cal Maritime's environmental health and safety requirements, expectations, and responsibilities in order to achieve effective campus safety performance through Integrated Safety Management (ISM). The Confined Space Entry Program is a subject specific component the supports the overall University IIPP.

Note: Training Ship Golden Bear (TSGB) is regulated under MARAD. For operations pertaining to the TSGB  -  Refer to Shoreside Administration Manual (SAM) and Vessel Operations Manual (VOM).