Proper Display of Permit

*Please refer to the Parking Rules and Regulations for the complete version of the CSU Maritime Academy Parking Rules and Regulations.

Permit holders are responsible for ensuring that their permit is clearly displayed before leaving their vehicle.

  • Decal Sticker Permits must be affixed to the inside lower corner of the windshield nearest the driver so that all information on the permit is clearly visible to the enforcement officer screening the vehicle for a valid permit. Non-compliance will result in a parking citation.
  • Hang Tag Scratcher Permits must hang from the vehicle's rear view mirror or placed on the dash nearest the driver so that all information on the permit is clearly visible to the enforcement officer screening the vehicle for a valid permit. Do not block the vehicle's VIN number or adhere the permit in a tinted area of the windshield. Non-compliance will result in a parking citation.
  • Temporary Parking Permits, including pay station permits must be placed on the dash nearest the driver so that all information on the permit is clearly visible to the enforcement officer screening the vehicle for a valid permit. Do not block the vehicle's VIN number or adhere the permit in a tinted area of the windshield. Non-compliance will result in a parking citation.

Car Covers

The use of a car cover on your vehicle is at your own risk and you must consider all weather conditions that might affect the placement of the cover.

Your CSU Maritime Parking Permit and your license plate must be clearly visible at all times to the enforcement officer screening the vehicle for a valid permit.

A car cover is allowed during Summer Sea Term in Lots E/F.