Campus Parking
updated March 7, 2025
Disabled Person Parking Placard Awareness
Parking Enforcement
Because campus parking is a limited resource, parking regulations must be adhered to at all times. Valid parking permit(s) appropriate for the parking lot and parking space must be displayed at all times. Please adhere to the specific rules on signs at the entrance of all lots and the signs within each lot to avoid being cited.
*Please refer to the Parking Rules and Regulations for the complete version of the CSU Maritime Academy Parking Rules and Regulations.
Guest Parking
Guest vehicles will normally be assigned to park in Parking Lots B, D and O (see Campus Map), Monday-Friday, during business hours. Parking Lot A is restricted for employee parking, visitors of the President and Foundation Members only. Valid permit required 24 hours a day, including weekends and holidays. Permit must be placed on the dash nearest the driver so that all information on the permit is clearly visible to the enforcement officer screening the vehicle for a valid permit. Do not block the vehicle's VIN number or adhere the permit in a tinted area of the windshield. Non-compliance will result in a parking citation.
Daily Parking Permits for visitors, vendors, students, employees and contractors can be purchased at the Pay Station machines in Parking Lots B, D, J, L, M, and O. If you need assistance at a Pay Station machine, call Police Dispatch at 707-654-1176 to report an issue with a Pay Station.
For brief visits on official CSU Maritime Academy business, guests may request a free guest parking permit during normal business hours from the Administration front desk. These permits are valid for up to two (2) hours and generally exclude visitors who require multiple visits and/or who are supposed to pay; e.g. contractors, vendors, consultants, speakers, students, or multiple visits. Valid in Parking Lots, B, D, O. Complimentary permits are issued by Admissions for tours. These permits are valid on the date(s) and in the parking lot(s) indicated.
Campus Parking
Parking at CSU Maritime Academy is a privilege extended to students, faculty, staff, and campus guests. Operators of motor vehicles (including motorcycles and motor-driven bikes) are required to be in possession of a valid driver's license. Additionally, vehicles should be in compliance with applicable laws pertaining to vehicle registration, operation, insurance requirements, and safety equipment.
The California Vehicle Code, Vallejo Municipal Code, and the following regulations are enforceable at all times. Vehicles parked on CSUM property in violation of these regulations will be issued a parking citation, booted, and/or towed at the owner's expense. No personal boat, RV, motor home, or other type of equipment is allowed to be parked on campus.
Pursuant to state codes, all traffic and parking is subject to regulations and fees. Compliance with these regulations is MANDATORY (sections 42200 and 42201, Title V, California Code of Regulation; and Section 21113(a), California Vehicle Code).
CSU Maritime Academy Police Department is responsible for the supervision and enforcement of parking regulations. The University's parking rules and regulations are published by July 1st of each year.
Parking on state property is at the risk of the individual. Neither CSU Maritime Academy nor the State of California assumes liability for any loss or damage to any vehicle, personal property, or the owner or occupants of any motor vehicle while on campus.
Traffic Regulations
Motor vehicle travel is restricted to the roadways and parking areas of the campus. Individuals requiring the use of sidewalks for vehicular movement shall obtain advance permission from Police Department.
It shall be unlawful for any driver of a vehicle to fail to obey any sign or signal erected or maintained by the CSU to regulate the flow of traffic.
No person shall, without lawful authority, deface, injure, attach any material or substance to, knock down, or remove any traffic control device, traffic guidepost, or traffic post erected by the CSU.