Emergency Preparedness
The purpose of the Emergency Operations Plan is to provide a response system for faculty, staff, and cadets in the case of major disasters affecting the campus, Training Ship Golden Bear, or surrounding areas. Various federal and state laws require the campus to have an emergency plan. This plan is intended to protect lives and property, and to maintain an environment suitable for the orderly conduct of education.
All personnel designated to carry out specific responsibilities are expected to know and understand the policies and procedures outlined herein. The emergency response to any major disaster will be conducted within the framework of this plan. An ongoing campus training program on the National Incident Management System / Standard Emergency Management System (NEMS/SEMS).
Emergency Management Plan
Cal Maritime maintains a comprehensive emergency management plan and understands preparedness before an emergency is integral to the safety of the community. The University Emergency Plan and Procedures can be downloaded below. Cal Maritime tests emergency response and evacuations procedures at least once every fiscal year. Every emergency exercise is documented and records are retained by the Chief of Police.
Download the Emergency Management Plan.