Cal Maritime is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors. This goal is required by a framework of law and regulation, and moreover, by ethical and leadership values that are consistent with the University mission.  Executive Order 1039, California State University Occupational Health and Safety Policy, recognizes Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) as an integral function of the California State University.  Pursuant to the Executive Order the campus president designates a campus EH&S program administrator with authority to develop and maintain campus health and safety programs.  These programs are designed to mitigate risk of injury or illness that may arise from work related activities.  The programs assign responsibility to various campus entities who collectively implement procedures and practices to identify and correct hazards, and provide appropriate communication and training in conformance with the Cal-OSHA Injury and Illness Prevention Program (CCR, Title 8, section 3203) and other applicable State and Federal requirements. 
For a complete description, please visit the website located at
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