Training and Professional Development
The Department of Human Resources supports the growth and development of our employees. Our overarching goal is to provide quality training and professional development opportunities that enhance knowledge, develop skills, and enrich both the employee and the organization.
Learning and Development Opportunities
Whether in the classroom or online, Cal Maritime employees have options to expand their learning opportunities.
- Continuing Education at a Discount: Employee Tuition Fee Waiver Program
- CSU Systemwide Learning & Development (L&D)
- CSU's Got Talent Live Webcasts
- Required Employee Compliance Training through CSULearn (Click "Assigned Learning" for your assigned training)
- The Chancellor's Doctoral Incentive Program (CDIP)
- CSU Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activities Award Program
Work/Life Balance/Future Planning
Most of us manage our lives successfully. There are times, however, when personal problems interfere with relationships, job performance, and physical health. Everyone can benefit from help when these difficulties arise. The Department of Human Resources offers FREE and confidential counseling and referral services via the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), administered by LifeMatters by Empathia.
Continuing Education
The Tuition Waiver Program provides the opportunity for eligible staff, faculty, dependent children, spouses or domestic partners to take classes at any CSU campus at significantly reduced rates. You may be eligible for the following professional development opportunities:
- Complete a degree with a Tuition Waiver for yourself or dependent
- Take a work-related Cal Maritime course
Pursuing your personal and professional development goals may be easier than you think. Please contact the Department of Human Resources or vision the Tuition Waiver page for more information.
CSU Systemwide Learning & Development
Whether in the classroom or online, Systemwide Learning & Development (L&D) empowers CSU employees to achieve continuous learning, personal growth and professional development through a diverse range of learning experiences and tools.
- Cross-Campus Collaboration classes: free virtual classes from CSU campuses across the system
- Learning On Demand
- CSU Learn
- Need assistance qith CSULearn? Employees can submit a ticket or email for support.
- Learning Bundles
- Learning Journeys
- Talent Management Toolkits
- CSU Learn
- Leadership Development
- Live Learning Programs
- Compliance Training
CSU's Got Talent Live Webcasts
Systemwide Learning & Development presents a series of LIVE webcasts featuring innovative and essential training for your professional and personal success! All CSU employees are invited to attend the CSU's Got Talent (CSUGT) live talks presented by sought-after experts in a wide variety of professional development fields! Join the live session, or catch past sessions on CSU Learn.
Zoom Registration is Now Open!
Send a blank E-mail to for updates about our upcoming sessions.
Here is a preview of this year’s topics:
- Your Fearless Year: Unmask Your Fears and Release Your Potential
- Smart Decisions: The Crucial Role of Data Literacy in AI
- The Power of Empathy in Our Interactions with Others
- Business Writing in the Age of AI: Risks and Rules for AI Tools
- Intercultural Creativity®: The Ace Up Your Sleeve for the Future of Work
- Positive Accountability: A Team Environment Where Everyone Can Count on Each Other
- A Culture of Service: Inspiring Positive Connections Campuswide
- Embracing Every Mind: Effective Time Management for Neurodiverse Teams
- The Accidental Project Manager
- Conflict Transformation Through Restorative Principles for Meaningful Progress
Did you miss it? All Recordings are available now on CSU Learn