I've Chosen Cal Maritime
Things to do After Saving Your Space for Fall 2025 at Cal Maritime
After you have sent your Intent-to-Enroll Form. See below for the remaining steps to take from now until New Student Orientation (August 2025).
Final Transcript Deadline: July 15, 2025
Cal Maritime requires receipt of your official final high school and/or college transcripts on or before November 8, 2024. Official transcripts can be sent by mail. We also accept official emailed transcripts through Parchment and/or your school's registrar's office. Our address and email are listed on the left side of this page.
- Graduating High School Seniors: "Final Transcript" means your official high school transcript that includes the
date you graduated. Faxed transcripts or e-mailed scans will not be accepted from the student.
- Transfer Students With Fewer Than 60 Semester Units: "Final Transcripts" means your official high school transcript that includes the
date you graduated. You must also submit all official college transcripts including
the one with your Spring 2024 semester grades. Faxed transcripts or e-mailed scans will not be accepted.
- Transfer students with 60 or More Semester Units: "Final Transcripts" means all official college transcripts including the one with your Spring 2024 semester grades. Faxed transcripts or e-mailed scans will not be accepted.
Complete List of "New Student Guide" Links:
- Online Intent-to-Enroll form
- Health Forms
- Housing Information
- Online Housing License Agreement & Optional Petition to Live Off-Campus through "StarRez" available via your student portal, "MyCalMaritime"
- Cost of Attendance & Financial Aid Information
- English and Math Proficiency
- Supplemental Biographical Information
- Uniform Sizing Form & Information
- Cadet Community Connection Program - (Optional)
- Disability Services - (Optional)
Academic Preparation for Students Admitted from High School
The CSU requires first-time freshmen to demonstrate preparedness for GE English and math through multiple measures: Test scores, high school/math GPA, and college preparatory coursework.
Most students will enroll directly into GE coursework. Students with applicable AP, CLEP, or IB test scores and/or college credit may advance to the next level courses required by their majors.
Some students may require additional development in English and/or math, and may still enroll in GE courses with embedded supportive instruction. You can learn more about your math and English status on the Academic Preparation webpage.
For more information, please contact the Early Assessment Program at (707) 654-1081 or eap@csum.edu.
Check Your "To Do List"" in PeopleSoft-Student
You may have "to do" items from the Financial Aid Office that need to be done before they can complete your financial aid offer. All the items you still need to send the Admissions Office are also in your "to do" list. Once those items are completed or received, they drop off your list. Click here to see an instructional page on how to reach your "to do" list and how to find out the details of each item.
You should have been sent access to your campus e-mail account and student portal to the email address you listed in your admission application. Look for an email with the subject line "Your ID, Username, and passwords for Cal Maritime portal and e-mail." If you cannot find that email, it may have been blocked, so just give us a call or send an email to admission@csum.edu and we can resend your credentials.
Once you find that email, go to www.csum.edu (or any Cal Maritime webpage) and click on "Sign In" in the upper right corner of the page. You should now be on the Cal Maritime Student Portal. To reach any of the systems on the left side of the page, click on one and enter your username and password. The access to your Cal Maritime email account is on the left side: "Office 365 Email." You should also take a look at your records in our computer system called "Peoplesoft -Student Systems." Inside PeopleSoft, look for "Student Center" which is how you eventually will view or change your addresses, emails, phone numbers, view the courses you're registered in, accept the financial aid you've been offered, and more.
Advanced Placement (AP) Scores and Assigning Credit
AP scores should arrive in the Admissions Office by approximately July 15, 2024.
- What credit do I get for AP test scores? You get college credit for every test score of three or above. The table that shows
for which Cal Maritime course you receive credit is Cal Maritime's Catalog. Click here for a link to that section of the catalog.
- How will I know when credit is assigned into my student record? We will e-mail you a PCE (Prior Credit Evaluation). This should happen by mid-August.
- What if I am already registered in the course for which my AP score now gives me credit? You can still take the course, you can replace the course with a different course, or you can withdraw from the course and reduce that semester's course load. Please remember to remain enrolled in 12 units or above to maintain full-time status.
Complete Your Physical Exam and Medical Forms
Set up an appointment with your physician for a full examination. The forms your doctor needs to complete can be accessed by clicking here. For Fall 2024 new students, These forms are due to our Health Center by May 1, 2024.
But those who wish a priority medical review prior to May 1, 2024 may receive one
if the medical forms are submitted by April 1, 2024 and no additional medical tests
or documents are required. Remember that some medical conditions may limit a student's
ability to graduate in certain majors or work in the professions associated with a
student's major. In some cases, a medical clearance may recommend limiting enrollment
to only certain majors to be explained in notifications by the Health Review Committee.
Mandatory Health Insurance Requirement
- Fall 2024 new student health insurance waiver due in July (to be announced)
It is the policy of Cal Maritime to require all enrolled students to maintain Cal Maritime student health insurance or comparable private insurance. This is due to the special nature of the educational experience at the Academy, which includes an international training cruise or international study experience.
If you are currently not insured: You will be automatically enrolled in the Cal Maritime insurance plan that meets all school requirements.
If you are currently insured and wish to maintain your current insurance, you must: Request a waiver from purchasing Cal Maritime's insurance plan by completing the
online Student Health Services insurance waiver. The deadline to complete the online waiver from mandatory school health insurance
will be in early July. Please note, it is the responsibility of the student to inform
Cal Maritime when coverage changes after any waiver has been granted.
Orientation Program & Academic Calendar Dates
Fall 2024 Dates for New Students
August 17, 2024 - Campus housing move-in date and
first date of in-person orientation for all new students -
August 21, 2024 - First day of fall semester instruction
December 17, 2024 - Last day of fall course finals
Mandatory Swim Assessment
Swim assessments are required of all cadets during Orientation Week. Keep in mind the swim assessment should be considered a "challenge exam" that fulfills the prerequisite requirement for many of the classes offered at the Academy. It is also required of all students as a graduation requirement. Click here for more information on the Swim Assessment. If you need further information, contact Tina Rossi, Aquatics Supervisor, at trossi@csum.edu or at (707) 654-1791 or the Athletics Department at (707) 654-1050.
Access to Campus E-mail and Computing Systems
In most cases, access to your Cal Maritime e-mail account and campus computing systems was sent to the personal e-mail account currently in your file approximately two weeks after you applied for admission. If you did not receive your campus username and password, please contact the Admissions Office at (707) 654-1330 or admission@csum.edu. You need this access to receive financial aid information, receive important information from campus departments, and to register for Fall courses in June. We suggest you add your Cal Maritime e-mail account to your smart phone.
If you have been logging into your Student Portal, remember that the messages you see on the screen are not your e-mail messages. Those are just bulletin board type messages. Once logged into the Student Portal, you must click the icon on the left side of the screen that says, "Office 365 E-MAIL" to reach your e-mail.
Registration for first-semester courses
- All new Fall 2024 students will be auto-registered into their first semester courses in late July.
All enrolling new students will be sent an e-mail to their Cal Maritime e-mail address in early June with information on the class registration process. It is important that you read this e-mail and continue to regularly check that Cal Maritime e-mail account. If you have questions about the class registration process, contact the Registrar's Office at (707) 654-1203 or e-mail registrar@csum.edu.
Are you Cleared to be Registered for Courses?
Check to see if you have any holds or warnings on your student record that could prevent you from registering for certain fall courses. Holds are noted just above your "To Do List" in your PeopleSoft Student Services Center. A typical hold is due to not yet passing medical review. A typical warning is a previous school's official transcript not arriving in the Admissions Office.
Notice from the California State University (CSU) About Tuition Changes
The CSU makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Fees listed in published schedules or student accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate. Therefore, CSU must reserve the right, even after fees are initially charged or initial fee payments are made, to increase or modify any listed fees. All listed fees, other than mandatory systemwide fees, are subject to change without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular semester or quarter has begun. All CSU listed fees should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change upon approval by the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, or the Presidents, as appropriate. Changes in mandatory systemwide fees will be made in accordance with the requirements of the Working Families Student Fee Transparency and Accountability Act (Sections 66028 - 66028.6 of the Education Code).
Housing Information for New Students
How and when will I receive my housing assignment?
First, make sure you have filled out and sent in your Housing License Agreement through the online "StarRez" Housing License Agreement which was part of your New Student Guide. It is due to the Residential Life Office by May 1, 2024. Those who wish to apply for permission to live off-campus should fill out the Off-Campus Housing Petition rather than the end of the Housing License Agreement.
Housing assignments are made approximately one month before the start of school. Housing and Residential Life staff will contact all incoming students by mail with their assignment, roommate, and check in appointment. Use this link to reach all the housing information for new students.
Consider Applying for the Cadet-Community Connection Program
Be matched with a local family
Cal Maritime offers a unique program called the Cadet-Community Connection, a program providing first-year students (especially those traveling a great distance) with a connection to a local family. Participating families commit to providing friendship, understanding, encouragement, and a "home away from home" to incoming students as they meet the challenges associated with a demanding first-year. Please note, students do not live with these families.
New Student Common Reading Program
Required summer reading for all new Cal Maritime students
The Cal Maritime faculty launched a "New Student Common Reading Program" in 2011. All incoming students are required to read the same book prior to arriving on campus. The book will then be incorporated into New Student Orientation and integrated into your first-year experience.
The objectives of the program are:
- To acquaint new students with Cal Maritime's academic environment, including its mission & values
- To initiate relationships between students and the campus community
- To introduce students to academic discussion
- To inspire a lifelong love of intellectual learning
The book choice for 2024 will be released in Spring.
Please contact Aparna Sinha, Assistant Professor of Composition and Rhetoric, at asinha@csum.edu with any questions.
Personal Computer Recommendations
Click here for information on what computer to buy or bring from home (including recommended specs).
Important Documents to Read
- Official Student Handbook
- Uniform and Grooming Standards
- The Most Recently Published Academic Catalog
Veterans Programs
Cal Maritime Admission Office
200 Maritime Academy Drive
Vallejo, CA 94590
707-515-0778 (text)
Office Hours: M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Mayo Hall