For Faculty and Staff


In-Class Workshops (not available for AY 24-25)

Tutoring Services has offered in-class workshops on a variety of learning and college preparation skills in that past that can be tailored to your class. Workshops are created for a 50 minute class, but can be tailored to be longer or shorter. Workshops are also available for staff who work with student leaders on campus. 


Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental instructors (SIs) are tutors who are assigned to a specific class. They offer more directed support on the assigned class. SIs work with students in their assigned class to help them understand assignments and larger concepts. They work with the professor to gain knowledge of assignments and expectations. However SIs are not teaching assistants, and as such they are not required to attend every class nor do they grade papers or assignments. SIs will work with the Coordinator for Student Academic Support and the professor to determine if the SI will attend a small number of classes. SIs often work 1-1, but they also work with small groups, and lead study sessions (especially before tests and projects). 

SIs are most useful in high D/F/W classes, or classes with highly-specialized and/or difficult assignments. If you would like to request a supplemental instructor for your class and have a student in mind to lead an SI for your course, please complete the Supplemental Instructor Request Form. (Please note: an SI is not guaranteed.) Once paired, the Coordinator for Student Academic Support will meet with the professor and SI, and together they will create a contract to ensure a fruitful partnership. 


Request a Tutor

If you would like to request the presence of a tutor in your class, event, or study session, please email Please note that given that our tutors set their own hours, we cannot guarantee that a tutor will be available, but every effort will be made to have a tutor at your event! 



If you have any recommendations for new tutors, please fill out this form: New Tutor Recommendation Form. You may fill out the form at any time of the year, not only when tutors are being hired. We are looking for students who not only excel in their classes, but show interpersonal skills and a desire to help others. 


Incentivized Tutoring

If you would like to encourage your students to go to tutoring, consider offering incentivized tutoring as a part of your class! You can offer extra credit for attending a certain number of tutoring sessions. You could also make it a requirement for a large paper or project to attend a tutoring session. Feel welcome to email for more info!


*Our supplemental instruction program is a modified program that is loosely based on the UMKC model.