Single Rooms
NOTICE: At this time, we are not able to offer single rooms for 2025-2026.
A single room waitlist will become available in StarRez during the room selection period.
You will be contacted if a single room becomes available at your waitlist position.
Cal Maritime is a residential university where all students are required to live on campus and participate in a meal plan while enrolled in its baccalaureate degree programs. As part of this housing policy, all students are expected to reside in a double occupancy space (i.e. have a roommate) during their time on campus.
However, occasionally space will allow for residents to obtain a single room. Single rooms are not guaranteed, and subject to availability. If space is available, Residence Life will work to assign residents to open single rooms.
Single Room Rate: $5,715 per semester.
A single room is an additional $1,905 per semester.
NOTICE: Students who select the single room option will be charged the additional rate if a single room assignment is made.
Because of this, it is strongly encouraged that students speak with their parents / legal guardians before agreeing to a single room, as these charges are non-refundable.
Residence Life works with the students directly regarding their housing preferences, and in most cases cannot and will not discuss this information with anyone other than the student - regardless of who financially contributes to the student's housing and university costs.
Single Room Processes
Designated Accommodation Singles (DAS):
All room accommodation requests must be submitted through the Accessibility & Disability Services Office (ADSO). Residence Life does not accept, review, or process any documentation. Should an accommodation request be granted from the ADSO, their office will contact Residence Life on behalf of the student with the relevant information.
Please note: Accommodation requests are by availability, extremely limited, and not guaranteed. Residence Life has a limited number of spaces for accommodation purposes, and once those spaces are filled then a waitlist will be created. Residence Life will move through the waitlist in the order in which it was received.