Community Partners

Program Overview
11:00 AM - 12:45 PM
Campus and Community Partner Showcase (Mayo Hall - Open Area)
This extended tabling session transforms the Morrow Cove into a center of activity, offering opportunities to network, learn about community partners’ work, and explore collaborations. Campus groups, clubs, and leaders will be available at "Ask Me Anything" tables.
1:00 PM and 4:00 PM
Campus and Service Projects (Mayo Hall Patio)
Grab a burger or hot dog and articipate in creative activities and service projects!
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Cal Maritime Futures: Panel Discussion on the Blue Economy in Mayo Hall Conference Rooms
Panel discussion of Cal Maritime faculty, staff, community partners, and cadets showcasing new initiatives and addressing our role in developing a diverse professional workforce for the broader blue economy. Panelists include: Stephanie Francis (Career Services), Jordan Taylor (MT), Alex Parker (OCN), Christine Isakson (IBL), Faye Joelson (ISS cadet), Michael Reyes (ISS cadet), and Sal Vaca (Working Waterfront Coalition)
2:30 PM - 3:45 PM
Cal Maritime Experts Talks
Stream 1: Learning from Maritime Disaster: An Interdisciplinary Discussion of the Sewol Ferry Sinking with Maggie Ward and Sarah Senk in Mayo Hall Conference Room
Stream 2: Granting Data Wishes, Funding Data Science Dreams with Julie Simons, Taiyo Inoue, and Ariel Setniker in Mayo Hall Innovation Room
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Morrow Cove Celebration**
Gather in Morrow Cove for tacos, refreshments, music, games.
**Bring your umbrellas and meet at the waterfront at 4:00 to participate in our annual “Screaming at the Ocean” tradition.
Community Partners
Community Engaged Learning Center
Citizen Air Monitoring Network
Call of the Sea / Matthew Turner Tall Ship
City of Vallejo / Youth Coordinator
Faith Food Fridays
Friends of Loma Vista Farm
International Maritime Center (Seafarers Ministry of the Golden State)
Project Blessing Bags
Vallejo Project
Vallejo Watershed Alliance
Assemblymember Wilson's Office
Sea West Bank