Mens Basketball on Zoom meeting with Talking to Strangers book cover

Men's Basketball Opens the Playbook with "Talking to Strangers"

Feb 10, 2021

Rarely does a college basketball team's offseason program include a conversation about a Malcolm Gladwell book with the chief of the campus police department. But this winter, the Cal Maritime Men's Basketball Team did just that....

Dr. Grace Chou in front of Student Health Center building

Questions for Dr. Grace Chou, Cal Maritime's New Health Center Director

Feb 2, 2021

Starting a new job in the middle of a global pandemic is an interesting challenge for any new employee, but what if your job is to care for the health of your community? That’s exactly what Dr. Grace Chou is experiencing as she joined Cal Maritime in the fall of 2020....

Campus photo with anchor

Spring Semester 2021 Updates

Jan 19, 2021

Important updates for spring semester 2021 regarding key dates, contact information, and helpful resources....

Priscilla Muha

Financing your Cal Maritime Education: A Q&A with the Director

Jan 13, 2021

The rising cost of a college education has been capturing headlines for more than a decade, and college students and their parents are paying close attention. Priscilla Muha, director of financial aid, has been helping them navigate the complex world of financial aid since 2016 at Cal Maritime, after getting a start on her financial aid career in 1984....

Campus photo from above

Special Message from the President

Jan 8, 2021

My years in service to this nation have taught me that we are at our best when we respect established norms and honor civility. These norms were severely tested yesterday and may be further tested in the days and weeks to come....

Itsukushima Shrine in Japan

Virtual International Experience - JAPAN

Jan 6, 2021

Spring 2021's virtual international experience offers a variety of opportunities for cadets who are eager to learn more about Japan....

Collage of knitting

The Yarn That Binds

Dec 24, 2020

If you're trying to keep your campus connected during a pandemic, it doesn't hurt to have a master knitter on hand....

TSGB Mural

Mural Collection Goes Online

Dec 17, 2020

The latest project of Cal Maritime's Campus History Center shines a light on one of the institution's most unique and iconic collections: the cruise murals that adorn the walls of the T.S. Golden Bear III....