Accessibility Additional Resources
- Disability Services
- Campus Map & Parking
- Report an access barrier:
Professional Development for Accessible Technology
This site provides a library of resources on accessibility. You will find training materials that other campuses have created, materials created and recommended by the ATI, Webinar archives, Spotlights on Faculty in the CSU, and promotional and awareness materials, such as the "From Where I Sit" video series. The library of resources are intended to help faculty and staff learn or teach the accessibility of documents, multimedia, procurement and website accessibility.
Center for Accessible Media (CAM)
CAM is a centralized web-based application allowing alternate media staff at CSU and UC campuses to list, identify, and distribute accessible, electronic reading materials (predominantly textbooks) for use by eligible students with print disabilities. Since its inception in 2004, CAM has logged 21,000 holdings and facilitated more than 7,000 exchanges of reading materials. The goals for operating CAM include reducing redundant alternate media production efforts, increasing timeliness of delivery, providing system-wide tracking of alternate media inventory and request data, providing campus advocacy to publishers and distributors of reading materials, and coordinating research and training on promising practices in alternate media production.
This site allows CSU individuals involved in the Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) on campuses and the Chancellor's Office to communicate and share information about ATI related topics. It is also in use for the Executive Sponsors Steering Committee (ESSC) and the ATI Leadership Council. The site includes announcements of events such as CoP meetings and webinars, notes of meetings, a library of materials and threaded discussions.
The Center for Usability in Design and Accessibility (CUDA)
CSU Long Beach and the Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) at the CSU Chancellor's Office have partnered to provide accessibility evaluation services to the CSU system with funding from the California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF). CUDA has just completed renovating its testing lab to accommodate testing users with disabilities and to support expanded accessibility testing. CUDA and the ATI have also developed and continue to refine basic accessibility testing methodologies.
The CETF grant will provide limited support through the Spring of 2011 for CUDA to conduct accessibility testing of electronic and information technologies for the CSU system and campuses.