The Cal Maritime Ombuds Program enhances the university environment by providing an informal, confidential, neutral, and independent avenue for resolution of University-related concerns, conflicts, or disputes which are not covered by collective bargaining agreements or cadet regulations.  This voluntary program offers early availability for dispute-resolution outside of traditional formal grievance process.

A complete description of the program can be found here.

Disputes and concerns are heard by a Dispute Resolution Facilitator (DRF) who is an impartial, trained, full-time member of the campus community.  The role of a DRF is to listen, receive, and provide information to involved parties, provide informal facilitation between parties when requested, and such other functions normally within the purview of the Ombuds Program.


  • listens and is non-judgmental;

  • respects the concerns of all sides and remains impartial;

  • facilitates communication between individuals or groups;

  • provides a safe and confidential place to talk – everything is confidential, to the extent allowed by law;

  • answers questions and directs parties to appropriate resources;

  • helps to objectively analyze the situation, and identify and evaluate options for resolution; and

  • provides important feedback to management by reporting issues and trends while maintaining confidentiality.

All questions and requests for assistance should be directed to the Chief of Staff at 707-654-1788 or a DRF directly.