In Case of Emergency

Emergency contact information coming soon

Phone Service

Phone cards are available through Pirate's Cove on board the ship. The cost TBD. With these phone cards, Cadets may call anywhere in the world from their berthing area or phones in public areas.

E-Mail and Other Communication

E-mail is the best means of communication. Electronic mail will be available aboard the ship. The e-mail along with any attachments should not exceed 200kb. Internet services are not available on the ship.

Follow the Voyages

Family and friends may stay up to date on the TSGB's whereabouts by going to the Follow the Voyages page. This site will have information about the ship's arrival and departure from ports of call, the Bear's Tale, and Captain's Log.

U.S. Mail

Due to security regulations, the ship is unable to accept mail.

This page is a work in progress.

Last updated February 2nd, 2023.