Cadets swabbing under aft crane

June 9, 2021 - Follow the Voyage

Jun 9, 2021 | By Eric Garrard

When the cadets and crew woke up this morning they were met with some very slow and peaceful rolling on the ship....

Departure from Long Beach

June 8, 2021 - Follow the Voyage

Jun 8, 2021 | By Eric Garrard

Last night we departed Long Beach, the process to raise the anchor started at 1800 and was complete by 1830....

Cadets with Lifeboat Checklist

June 7, 2021 - Follow the Voyage

Jun 7, 2021 | By Eric Garrard

The ship was bustling with commotion this morning as we prepare to leave the Long Beach Anchorage...

Cadets tightening chain

June 6, 2021 - Follow the Voyage

Jun 6, 2021 | By Eric Garrard

For the most part the cadets have all gotten their sea legs, our 250 nm sail down to Long Beach was pretty smooth, except for the occasional roll....

Cadets swab deck

June 5, 2021 - Follow the Voyage

Jun 5, 2021 | By Eric Garrard

We continue our journey south towards Long Beach, we are sailing at roughly 9 KNTs. ...

Tug Liberty

June 4, 2021 - Follow the Voyage

Jun 4, 2021 | By Eric Garrard

Cadets, Faculty, and Staff are very excited after many months of planning to finally set sail....

Families on shore while TSGB leaves

Bon Voyage, Golden Bear

Jun 4, 2021

After 15 months of planning, the Training Ship Golden Bear steamed out of the Carquinez Strait this morning bound for Hawaii, the first of two summer training cruises....