Cadets, Faculty, and Staff are very excited after many months of planning to finally set sail. Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic it was thought we might not be able to have a cruise this year, with a lot of hard work and dedication we have been able to pull of something that not many could say they did.
The Training Ship Golden Bear Departed Vallejo at 0800 with two tugs from AmNav, these tugs were the Revolution and the Liberty. Once we left the pier the U.S. Coast Guard began an inspection of lifeboats on our
port side. This is because they cannot be lowered due to the pier. Once the Coast
Guard was satisfied we were cleared to continue with our journey.
At 0945, once the coast guard left we began to slowly steam towards San Francisco. At approximately 1215 cadets began to get excited since they could see the City. The winds were blowing extremely fast on all weather decks and even faster on the 04 level of the ship (the very top). The excitement grew even more when we sailed passed Alcatraz, we knew that in a matter of minutes we would be under the Golden Gate. At around 1300 we sailed under the bridge and once we did all of the cadets on the weather decks let out a loud cheer. At this point we knew we were in the Pacific Ocean. We then began to sail south as to complete our first leg of the trip. At approximately 1315 all cadets began to transition to day work rotations and classroom hours.
Established in 1929, California State University Maritime Academy is the only degree-granting
maritime academy on the West Coast. Located in Vallejo, California, the campus offers
undergraduate degrees that prepare students for careers in engineering, transportation,
international relations, business, and global logistics. Cal Maritime also offers
a master’s degree in Transportation and Engineering Management, as well as a number
of extended learning programs and courses.