Training Ship Golden Bear Summer Sea Term Overview

2024 Summer Sea Term

Enhancing the global awareness of cadets as they apply the intellectual and practical training they have received during the school year 

Training Ship Golden Bear at the Golden Shellback, 180-00.00 Long and 00-00.00 Lat. Video courtesy of Cadet Michael Lapinski '26.


Training Ship Golden Bear serves as the primary training platform on which cadets apply technological skills introduced in the classroom and leadership skills acquired from their work assignments and responsibilities within the Corps of Cadets. Each summer, cadets in their first and third years depart with licensed faculty instructors and watch officers for two months during the Summer Sea Term. During these periods at sea, our four compass points, intellectual learning, applied technology, global awareness and leadership development are on full display as the cadets hone their professional mariner skills. 


2024 Summer Sea Term

Updated on 06/08/2024

Schedule and itinerary are as follows:


08 June                Depart Vallejo – Pilot 1100 / shift to anchorage 9 SF - bunker

09 June                Depart SF – outbound for Honolulu, HI

16-19 June    Honolulu, HI (Lyman reception on 17 June)

04-08 July*     South Korea (*Docking in a foreign host nation requires approval and changes should be expected.)

10-14 July*     Japan (*Docking in a foreign host nation require approval and changes should be expected.)

29-31 July     Los Angeles, CA

05 Aug       Arrive Vallejo

06 Aug       Summer Sea Term Ends


Very Respectfully,

Captain S. Bannister TS Golden Bear
California State University Maritime Academy