Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is there any cost to the cadet for evaluation in the Student Health Center?
A: No. Our services are covered by the Student Health Services fee. Occasionally there will be out of pocket expenses or a need to bill insurance for certain additional services such as specific immunizations, some lab tests, and referrals to outside providers.
Q: Do cadets need medical insurance also?
A: Yes. Medical insurance is required of all cadets. All cadets are automatically enrolled in the school endorsed policy. The insurance is provided by Aetna, underwritten by Wells Fargo Insurance Services. During the beginning of March you will be able to go to our website to access the online waiver form if you have insurance and would like to try to waive the schools. Your insurance must meet the minimum requirements set forth by CSUM in order to be able to waive.
Q: We won't be able to get an appointment for a physical until late April or May and the deadline for health forms is early May. What should we do?
A: Please contact Student Health Services and the Admission office to notify us of the delay and to find out if there will be any issues with submitting your health forms late. Please complete all health forms, including physical, and submit them all together.
Q: Does color blindness, or color vision deficiency prevent admission to the Academy?
A: No, but color vision is applicable to the majors of Marine Transportation (MT), Mechanical Engineering (ME License Track) and Marine Engineering Technology (MET). None of the other majors have color vision criteria. For MT, ME and MET you must be able to pass one of the USCG approved color vision tests listed on the 4th page of the Health Report or the 5th page of the USCG 719K physical, as documented by your physician.
Q: Does imperfect vision prevent admission to the Academy?
A: No, but it does affect acceptance to the majors where vision is a criterion. These majors are Marine Transportation (MT), Mechanical Engineering (ME License Track) and Marine Engineering Technology (MET). Distance vision needs to be correctable (with glasses or contacts) to 20/40 for MT, and correctable to 20/50 for Engineering.
Q: Do diagnoses such as depression, anxiety, ADD or ADHD prevent admission to the Academy?
A: No, but there are specific requirements from the Coast Guard regarding going into a licensed major with any of these diagnoses and medications usually prescribed to treat them (Please review USCG standards/requirements, NVIC). We do have academic support services in place to meet the needs of a student requiring reasonable accommodations due to his or her learning process. Please note the diagnosis on the health form and list any medications prescribed. You may contact the Disability Services, if you have any questions regarding learning disabilities and/or accommodations.
Q: If my son or daughter takes medication for ADD/ADHD, or other diagnosis, can he or she keep it in the room, or does it have to be with Student Health Services? How will this affect drug testing?
A: All cadets are responsible for their own medications. Drug testing will not be affected as long as there is documentation in the cadet's health forms, signed by his or her medical provider, that the medication is prescribed.
Q: Are there counseling services at Cal Maritime?
A: Yes. We have a full time licensed Clinical Psychologist in Student Health Services. There is no extra charge for cadets. All information is strictly confidential. Referrals to area providers may be arranged, with payment through your health insurance. (Please see Counseling and Psychological Services for more information).
Q: If my son or daughter was not accepted to another academy, or the armed forces because of failing the physical, will that prevent admission?
A: Not necessarily. We look at whether or not he or she meets our qualifications as outlined on our own health forms.
Q: If my son or daughter has had a physical within a year of admission to CSUM, may we use that one?
A: Yes, but the information must be transcribed by your provider onto our health forms. We cannot accept any health/medical forms other than our own.
If you have any other questions, please call the Student Health Center at 707-654-1170