Resources for Cadet Leaders
Creating inclusive and equitable organizations requires intentionality. There needs to be thoughtful effort put into examining past practices, removing obstacles to participation, and ensuring fair and consistent treatment of all candidates. Leaders of all Cal Maritime peer involvement programs commit to using these fundamental principles in their recruitment, application, interview, selection, and promotion processes.
Does your leadership team accurately reflect the diversity of our campus? One simple step to avoiding homogeneity in your organization's leadership is to break the cycle of "snowball" recruitment.
Coming soon!
Getting the information you need from your candidates' application isn't as easy as it sounds. Are you collecting information that shouldn't play a role in the selection process? Are the questions you're asking designed to elicit helpful information?
Coming soon!
As essential foundation for creating an inclusive organization is a selection process that provides equal opportunity for involvement. Applicants are not the only people that need to prepare for interviews; interviewers need to do their own homework to better understand themselves. Good interview design includes drafting the right questions and avoiding bias.
Incorporating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into Your Interviews
Are you assessing the performance of your organiztion's leaders? Is there an assumption of semester-to-semester and year-to-year retention? What growth needs to occur before a promotion is warranted?
Coming soon!