The goal of this office is to assist faculty with retention, tenure, and promotion; periodic evaluations, lecturer evaluations, post-tenure review, and sabbatical leaves. To achieve this goal, the following resources are provided:


Retention, Tenure and Promotion (RTP)


Periodic Evaluation of Probationary Faculty


Lecturer Evaluations


Post-Tenure Review

Periodic evaluation of tenured faculty at 5-year intervals after last evaluation.


Sabbatical Leaves

Funds may be available for sabbatical leaves during the 2021-2022 academic year. Faculty applying for sabbatical leaves must submit an application to the Chair of the Professional Leave Committee by Friday, October 1, 2021.


Classroom Work Requests

Classroom Work Request

Faculty can click the yellow button above to report problems with classroom equipment. Work requests will be routed to the appropriate dean, who will expedite with the appropriate campus department. If the issue is urgent, please use posted phone numbers to request service directly.  

Academic Building Contacts



Graham Benton
Dean of Strategic & Academic Planning
California State University Maritime Academy
200 Maritime Academy Drive
Vallejo, CA 94590
(707) 654-1147