Faculty Achievements
Dewey, C. (2021). Practices: Robots, memories, autonomy, and the future. In M. Cohen (Ed.), A cultural history of the sea volume 6: A cultural history of the sea in the global age (1920-2000+) (pp. 45- 69). Bloomsbury Academic.
Dewey, C. (2020). Reading No. 37 [Commentary]. In A. Cockagne, P. Hoare, S. Chapman (Curators), The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: Big Read [Audio- Visual]. https://www.ancientmarinerbigread.com/ reading/37
Dewey, C. (2021, July) "A Sailor Looks at Maritime Lit" invited public lecture as part of the Maritime Education for Students of the Sea series hosted by the San Francisco Maritime National Park Association. https://vimeo.com/579638506
Dewey, C. (2021, June) "Surviving Autonomy: Radical Craft vs Mastery at Sea" a presentation as part of Sapienza University of Rome's "Ermenautica Sapieriinrotta" lecture series. https://youtu.be/R7MUCE2G-jU
Sinha, A. (2021, March). Journey from mapping writing programs to creating a transnational
writing programs journal [Conference session]. Writing Research Across Boarders, (Virtual).
Sinha, A. (2020, February). Becoming an anti-racist [Workshop]. San Francisco State
University, (Virtual).
Sinha, A. (2021, March). Interruption: An anti- racist workshop series [Workshop].
Sonoma State University.
Sinha, A. (2021, April). Interruption: An anti-racist workshop [Workshop]. CSU Long
Dewey, C. (2019). Review: The dawn watch: Joseph Conrad in a Global World by Maya Jasanoff. Sea History, 167, 56.
Hartman, L. (2019). Northern Passages. San Francisco, CA: Colpa Press
Dewey, C. (2020, January). Moby-Dick, a work: and work. Presented at St. Mary's University, Moraga CA
Dewey, C. (2019, June). Smoke on the water: Aeolian and oceanic media in the post-human sea. Presented at 2019 Paradise on Fire: Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) Conference, Davis, CA
Dewey, C. (2019, July). Amnesia sea: Aquatic remembering and the post-human ocean. Presented at 2019 International Conference on Romanticism (ICR) Meeting, Manchester, United Kingdom.
Parsons, A. (2020, March). ‘Adapt to each emergency': Teaching Whitman in strange times. Presented at the Northeast Modern Language Association 51st Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
Senk, S. (2020, March). In space, no one can hear you weep. Scheduled for American Comparative Literature Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. [Conference cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic]
Sinha, A. (2019, May). How do I stop racism on my campus? Let's stop it! Panel presentation at National Conference on Race and Ethnicity, Portland, Oregon.
Sinha, A. (2019, December). Tools & strategies to understand and navigate stereotypes, biases, and racial tensions. Presented at Cal Works Training Academy, Costa Mesa, CA.
Hartman, L. (2018). Northern Passages. Regional Museum of Local Lore, Murmansk, Russia.
Hartman, L. (2018). Northern Passages. Historical and Regional Museum of Polyarny, Russia.
Hartman, L. (2018). Untitled. Group exhibit at Kuryokhin Center, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Hartman, L. (2018, September). Summer souvenirs workshop. Presented at 826 Valencia, San Francisco, CA.
Hartman, L. (2018, August). Museum dioramas workshop. Presented at Regional Museum of Local Lore, Murmansk, Russia.
Senk, S. (2019, March). The time of care: J. M. Coetzee and suspended mourning. Presented at American Comparative Literature Association Annual Conference, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
Sinha, A. (2019, March). The possibilities of performance rhetoric/composition. Presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Pittsburgh, PA.
Sinha, A. (2019, March). Network of directed self-placement: Changing assessment & placement practices. Presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Pittsburgh, PA.
Sinha, A. (2018, October). Anti-racism workshop. Presented at the CFA Assembly, Long Beach, CA.
Sinha, A. (2018, July). Managing a socially just classroom: Helping your diverse students. Presented at the Council of Writing Programs Administrators, Sacramento, CA
Hartman, L. (2018). Northern Passages. Solo Exhibition at the State Darwin Museum, Moscow, Russia.
Hartman, L. (2018). Let Me Be a Witness. Group Exhibition at the Root Division, San Francisco, CA.
Hartman, L. (2017). Northern Passages. Solo Exhibition at the Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Hartman, L. (2017). Living Oceans. Group Exhibition at the Falkirk Cultural Center, San Rafael, CA.
Dewey, C. (2017, October). Review of Surviving the Essex: The Afterlife of America's Most Storied Shipwreck, by David O. Dowling and The Essex and the Whale: Melville's Leviathan Library and the Birth of Moby-Dick, by R. D. Madison. Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, 19(3), 121-125. DOI: 10.1353/lvn.2017.0042.
Dewey, C. (2017). Melville's Paintings and Prints. In K. Hayes (Ed.), Herman Melville in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
Senk, S. (2018). The Memory Exchange: Public Mourning at the National 9/11 Memorial Museum. Canadian Review of American Studies. https://doi.org/10.3138/cras.2017.029
Dewey, C. (2018, January). Possibilities of the Public Humanities. Panel presentation at the Modern Language Association Annual Convention, New York, NY.
Dewey, C. (2017, September). Fayaway: Melville, Fantasy, and Fame. Blue Room Lecture at San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park, San Francisco, CA.
Dewey, C. (2017, August). High Tech on the High Seas: the Evolution of Maritime Culture and Technology. Panel presentation at the San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park, Festival of the Sea 2017, San Francisco CA.
Dewey, C. (2017, June). The Feeling that Sticks: Moby-Dick and/as Maritime Georgic. Presented at Melville's Crossings: The Eleventh International Melville Society Conference, King's College, London.
Hartman, L. (2017). Diorama Workshop at the Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Parsons, A. (2017, June). ‘This is mankilling! Yet this is life': The Paradox of Labor in Melville's Fiction. Presented at Melville's Crossings: The Eleventh International Melville Society Conference, King's College, London.
Parsons, A. (2018, March). "Does the Whale's Magnitude Diminish?" Maritime Labor and the Environment in Melville's Moby-Dick. Blue Room Lecture at San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park, San Francisco, CA.
Senk, S. (2018, March). Join the Conversation: Living Testimony at the National 9/11 Memorial Museum. Presented at the American Comparative Literature Association Annual Conference, University of California, Los Angeles.
Senk, S. (2017, May). Roundtable Respondent at the Reconciliation and Resistance: Literatures and Cultures of Human Rights Symposium, Stanford University, CA.
Sinha, A. (2018, March). Network of Directed Self Placement- Changing Assessment & Placement Practices. Presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Kansas City, Missouri.
Sinha, A. (2018, March). Role Correct Placement has in Writing Assessment. Presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Kansas City, Missouri.
Dewey, C. (2016). Conrad and the Craft: Sea stories for real sailors (part 2). gCaptain. http://gcaptain.com/conrad-craft-sea-stories-real-sailors-part-2/
Dewey, C. (2016). Conrad and the mariner's craft: Sea stories for real sailors (part 1). gCaptain. http://gcaptain.com/conrad-and-the-mariners-craft-sea-stories-for-real-sailors-part-1/
Dewey, C. (2016). "By guess or by god:" Catastrophe in the heart of the sea. gCaptain. http://gcaptain.com/guess-god-catastrophe-heart-sea/
Parsons, A. (2017). Keeping up with the Morrells: Sailors, masculinity and American identity at sea. In Mentz, S. & Rojas, M. (Eds.), The Sea and Nineteenth-Century Anglophone Literary Culture (66-82). New York, NY: Routledge.
Senk, S. (2016). Mourning's spiral: Trauma, time, and memory in Derek Walcott's Omeros. Symbolism: An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics, 16, 35-51.
Senk, S. (2016). Rethinking Rupture. [Review of Insurgent Testimonies, by N. M. Rizzuto]. Contemporary Literature, 57(3), 453-461.
Senk, S. (2016). Attention to the text: Delay and the "ADD Generation." Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy, 25(2), 78-95.
Dewey, C. (2017, March). 'Its a mutual, joint-stock world': Maritime trade and the circuits of capitalism. Presented at the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
Dewey, C. (2017, January). There and back again: Lyric poetry and the disorientation of commerce. Presented at Cal Maritime Scholar Series, Vallejo, CA.
Dewey, C. (2016, August). Circulation and its discontents: Coleridge, lyric, and the 'British ocean.' Presented at the North American Association for the Study of Romanticism annual conference, Berkeley, CA.
Senk, S. (2017, March). Mourners in outer space. Presented at University of Hartford Humanities Center Lecture Series, West Hartford, CT.
Senk, S. (2017, February). Nationalism and memory at the 9/11 Memorial. Presented at Cal Maritime Scholar Lecture Series, Vallejo, CA.
Sinha, A. (2017, March). Hearing them out: Understanding student self placement in California and beyond. Presented at Conference on College Composition and Communication, Portland, OR.
Sinha, A. (2017, March). Implementing Directed Self Placement (DSP) at different contexts: the struggles and successes. Presented at Conference on College Composition and Communication, Portland, OR.
Sinha, A. (2017, March). Network of Directed Self Placement—Changing assessment & placement practices. Presented at Conference on College Composition and Communication, Portland, OR.
Sinha, A. (2017, February). Implementing Directed Self Placement. Presented at Writing Research Across Borders, Bogota, Colombia.
Sinha, A. (2017, February). Writing programs worldwide. Presented at Writing Research Across Borders, Bogota, Colombia.
Sinha, A. (2016, June). International WAC/WID mapping project: Writing programs worldwide. Presented at International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Sinha, A. (2016, April). The struggles and success of implementing Directed Self Placement (DSP) at a first year writing program. Presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics, Orlando, Florida.