Department of Culture & Communication
We teach courses in Literature and Culture, Arts, Writing, and Speech, and also support cultural programs and events on and off the campus.
Any questions? Send an email to the Chair HERE
We are, first and foremost, dedicated teachers in courses ranging from First Year Composition to advanced upper-division seminars in literature, ethics, and cultural studies, providing carefully designed Cal Maritime specific courses to fully satisfy the CSU general education requirements in areas A and C. Our range of teaching expertise covers fine art, creative writing, media studies, rhetoric, literature, and more. Culture and Communication faculty are also recognized scholars and practitioners in diverse fields such as British and American literature, maritime and oceanic studies, literary theory, postcolonial theory and literature, visual art, film and media.
Our faculty have been recognized by Cal Maritime's leadership and their peers for
Outstanding Teaching, Outstanding Scholarship, and Outstanding Service. Some are repeat
recipients of multiple campus-wide awards and honors.
Even as student-centered, teaching-focused professionals, C&C faculty actively publish and present their work throughout the world. Some have established and ongoing collaborative research affiliations with prominent universities and organizations while others have completed, or are pursuing, major projects funded by the Teagle Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and others.
Read about recent faculty achievements
Students have opportunities to take classes with us during every year of their program from Freshman Composition to Senior Seminars. What's more, we support clubs, lectures, and discussions throughout the year. Come meet us!

2015 Rizza Lecture Participants (L-R) Colin Dewey, Amy Parsons, Keith Collins (SFSU), Sarah Jessica Johnson (UCB), Sarah Crabtree (SFSU), Julie Chisholm.