Morgan Murry interned on the R/V Roger Revelle last summer in Southeast Asia and the
South Pacific.
Each summer, Cal Maritime cadets leave campus and travel all around the globe for
internships, co-ops, and cruises.
Last summer, Morgan Murry, a junior Marine Transportation major, joined the ship
operations department at UC San Diego's Scripps Institution of
Oceanography. Working with the department provided practical experience as she contributed
to the department's ocean science enterprise – operating a research vessel that is
crucial to the exploration and understanding of our oceans.
Murry worked aboard the Research Vessel (R/V) Roger Revelle during scientific missions
that took her to places like Thailand and Palau.
Murry serves in the U.S. Navy Strategic Sealift Officer Program, works as a dormitory
resident advisor aboard the Training Ship Golden Bear, gives campus tours, and is
a member of several clubs
"The crew of the R/V Roger Revelle was very welcoming, helpful, encouraging and extremely
professional," said Murry. "My experience deepened my passion for the maritime industry
and confirmed my decision of becoming a merchant mariner."
"In addition to an excellent learning opportunity, it was also an amazing adventure,"
said Murry. "Riding elephants in Thailand and scuba diving with sharks in Palau were
some of my off-duty highlights. I have also had the privilege to meet and observe
world class scientists during their oceanographic explorations. Having the chance
to do work that I love while supporting modern day scientific discoveries has been
an incredible experience."